This blog focuses on industrial, inline process refractometers and their use in industrial applications. Refractometry is used to measure the refractive index of a substance in order to determine its composition or purity. Posts include information on theory, construction, installation, new products and new markets.
Electron Machine Corporation | Umatilla, FL | PHONE: 352-669-3101 |
Industrial Inline Refractometer for Green Liquor Density in Pulp & Paper Plant
Electron Machine Corporation has been actively refining the use of refractometers for measuring green liquor density for over 30 years. Their incremental efforts in this application has led to the current combination using the MPR E-Scan with their high pressure cleaner (HPC) adapter supplied with heated demineralized water. The removable nozzle provides for easy maintenance. This system ensures an accurate measurement in these difficult scaling conditions.