This blog focuses on industrial, inline process refractometers and their use in industrial applications. Refractometry is used to measure the refractive index of a substance in order to determine its composition or purity. Posts include information on theory, construction, installation, new products and new markets. Electron Machine Corporation | Umatilla, FL | PHONE: 352-669-3101 |
8 Reasons to Partner with Electron Machine Corporation
Our History - We designed & patented the 1st process refractometer in 1957.
Our Quality - We maintain the highest certification levels and standards.
We Solve Problems - Innovative designs that perform far beyond expectations.
Our Experience - 60+ years successfully applying process refractometers.
Our People - Professional, knowledgeable, courteous, enthusiastic.
Our Leadership - Committed, strategic and transformational.
We're Community Involved - Supporting local colleges, businesses and organizations.
We're Environmentally Friendly - Doing our part with renewables for a greener tomorrow.